About Us

Dr. James E. Jones

From the Pastor

Matthew 28:16-20 provides the marching order from God to each one of us. He says, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go… make disciples… baptize… teach them to obey everything I have commanded you… I am with you always to the very end of the age.” God has promised to be with us as we “go.” Our church has committed herself to be available to meet this challenge from God.

We strive to be a planning people: we want everything that we do to be under God’s direction. We hope to be a prepared people: we cannot fulfill His command unless we are prepared to do so. We aim to be a positive, praying and passionate people so we can spread Jesus’ Message not only in our own community but throughout the world.

Our History

In the 1830’s, neighbors in the area assembled in homes for church services. In 1837, Henry Sanders, a large land owner and operator of Sanders Tavern and Stage Coach Stop, donated land for the church and had the log meeting house built at his own expense. He named it Pleasant Hill after a place in his native Virginia. In May 1840, Good Hope, it’s mother church, gave permission to officially organize this congregation.

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church has since been in four different church buildings – two of them burned. The first fire started during the War Between the States, with the second fire being so damaging as to make necessary the erection of the new building. The meeting house that was destroyed by fire on April 18, 1945, was a frame structure which had been built in the late 1890’s and had been remodeled with the expenditure of several thousand dollars a short time before the conflagration.  In addition to the loss of the building by this crisis, the church also sustained a heavy financial loss, having only a few thousand dollars of fire insurance at the time. 

But God, in His infinite grace, allowed us to rebuild and even expand since. He has blessed us with a beautiful temple and a modern Christian Life Center, built in 2009.

Our Beliefs

"We hereby covenant and engage... to give up ourselves unto the Lord... to unite together into one body for the public worship of God, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of... our Savior Jesus..."

Here at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, we are steadfast in our commitment to biblical Christian orthodoxy. Everything begins with our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ, working outwards to influence our families, the local church, and the communities that surround us.

As a church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, we also affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Feel free to use the link below to find a summation of our core doctrinal convictions.

Meet Our Staff

Dr. James Jones


Dr. Denis Santos

Minister of Worship

Hanna Lobb

Youth Director

Shannon Clark
& Megan Hatcher

Children's Ministry Co-Directors

Lynn Horn


Additional Staff

Regina Graham – Pianist
Carlotta Johns – Organist
Adam Smith & Cody Wicker – Sunday School Director
David Gupton – Custodian
Sandy Smothers – Custodian
Brenda Willis – Custodian Help
Brian Handy – Groundskeeper


Ben Benningfield, Roger Blair, Doug Bland, Larry England, Jimmie Graham, John M. Kessler, John Wayne Kessler, Jim Newton, Keith Newton, Charles Nolley, Eddie O’Banion, Bill Pruitt, Daniel Reynolds, Adam Smith, Willie White, Danny Williams, Kenny Willis, Trent Wright.

Service Times & Location

Here at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, there are numerous opportunities for you to grow in the faith and experience genuine Christian fellowship.

Sunday School

9:30 AM

Morning Worship

10:30 AM

Evening Worship

6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting

6:30 PM

Wednesday Evenings